

Dr Vanessa Pirotta

Latest updates from under the sea:

Dr Vanessa Pirotta: Premier's NSW Woman of Excellence 2025 Recipient

Click the image to read the story.

Winner of the Emerging Leader in Science category of the 2024 Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards

Vanessa hosts the 25th Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

Dr V hosted the 25th Prime Minister’s Prize’s for Science. Click to learn more and nominate for the 2025 prizes. Photo: Australian Government.

Vanessa’s latest whale research on ABC’s 730

IFLScience feature of Vanessa’s latest Bryde’s whale research!

Click the image to read the article.

Australian Museum’s 2024 Eureka Awards

Watch Dr Vanessa Pirotta 30sec finalist video for the 2024 Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science

Whale rescue, Sydney Harbour, Australia

Who is Dr V?

  • Wildlife scientist

  • Science communicator

  • Woman in STEM/STEAM

  • Children’s author

  • Australian Museum Eureka Finalist 2024

  • TEDx speaker

  • Australian Financial Review 100 Women of Influence

  • Superstar of STEM, Science & Technology Australia

  • Antarctic Science Foundation Ambassador

  • Founder of Wild Sydney Harbour citizen science program

  • Speaker at the United Nations, Rome, Italy

  • Vessel operator

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Meet Dr V

Vanessa’s research uses innovative technologies for wildlife conservation. 

Dr Vanessa Pirotta is a wildlife scientist, woman in STEMM/STEAM, science communicator, author and vessel operator.

Vanessa’s research uses innovative technologies for wildlife conservation. Vanessa works collaboratively across both marine and terrestrial environments merging cutting edge tech to access animals in unique ways. Most notable works include drones to collect whale snot and the use of computer algorithms and AI for the detection of illegal wildlife trafficking.

Vanessa is a passionate and experienced science communicator who plays an important role in society by making science accessible. She’s represented Australia internationally as the international runner up of the world-renowned science communication competition FameLab, spoken on the TEDx platform, been recognized by the Australian Financial Review as one of the top 100 Women of Influence and listed as one of Science & Technology Australia’s Superstars of STEM. In 2024, Vanessa’s contribution to science was formally acknowledged nationally by winning the Women’s Agenda Leadership awards, being listed as an Emerging Leader in Science. Vanessa’s dedication to informing everyday Australians about the importance of the ocean also led to her 2024 nomination and finalist listing in the Australian Museum’s Eureka Awards.

Vanessa is the lead scientist of the scientific and citizen science program Wild Sydney Harbour, which is learning more about marine life in Sydney Harbour, Australia. As part of this, Vanessa is leading scientific research with local indigenous rangers, the Gamay Rangers. Together, they are combining indigenous knowledge and scientific research to learn more about marine mammals such as whales, dolphins and fur seals.

Vanessa is also a proud children’s and big kids author, with her books The Voyage of Whale and Calf, Oceans At Night and Humpback Highway: Diving into the mysterious world of whales, serving as an annual reminder of humpback whale biology and ecology in Australian waters.


Connecting science with Indigenous knowledge

Vanessa is working collaboratively with the Gamay Rangers to merge First Nations knowledge with science. This project is aimed at monitoring marine mammals on Sea Country and connecting community with our blue backyard of Sydney, Australia.

Dr V on Play School

Dr Vanessa was invited to join the Play School crew as part of Down at the Beach series. Vanessa spoke about the importance of keeping our beaches clean, provided fun facts about whales and brought in some of her underwater equipment. Play School is Australia’s longest running children’s television show.

Science to help save Australian wildlife

Vanessa is working collaboratively with the Australian Federal Government, Rapiscan Systems and the Taronga Conservation Society Australia to help combat illegal wildlife trafficking. The team proudly joined The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water and The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC, Minister for the Environment at Taronga Zoo regarding Australia’s efforts to help stop illegal wildlife trafficking.

Vogue and Dr V

Vanessa wrote a letter to her 8 year old self for International Women’s Day. Click image to read.

Vanessa was an invited key speaker at the Vogue Codes summit in Sydney, Australia.

Click the image to read the Vogue article.

Vanessa’s citizen science project

Dr V is working with scientists, PhD students and engaging with the local community to better understand fur seal and dolphin presence in Sydney Harbour, Australia.

Researching the dolphins and fur seals of Sydney Harbour, Australia

Tooth marks and dorsal fins: Understanding Sydney’s dolphins. Click image to read article.

Science week from the

RV Investigator

Vanessa took part in a LIVE ship tour of the CSIRO’s RV Investigator. This was Vanessa’s home in Antarctica for two months. Vanessa also read her children’s book The Voyage of Whale and Calf to over 5k students around Australia as part of National Science Week. Via Vanessa’s Instagram page (@drvanessapirotta).

Killer whales playing with boats?

Southern Ocean LIVE

Watch it now on ABC iview

Vanessa joined the Southern Ocean LIVE TV event in June 2022 on Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia to discuss whale drone snot collection research.

The mystery of whale strandings

Lunch with Dr V

Vanessa was invited to lunch with the Sydney Morning Herald.

Click on the image to read article.

Dr V on TV

Dr V and COSMOS Magazine

Every career path into STEM looks different
— Dr V

Dr Vanessa featured in

The Brilliant

Click to read full article.

Vanessa’s land-based wildlife research:

Artificial intelligence to detect wildlife trafficking

Click the image to read the full article published in Frontiers in Conservation Science via The Conversation.

Curious kids:

Why don’t whales have teeth like we do?

Click on the image to watch Vanessa’s TikTok.

Want to become a whale citizen scientist?

Find out where you can get involved around Australia. Vanessa has teamed up with the ABC to highlight key whale research projects helping us learn more about whales nationally.

CommBank’s GirlsInTech Day 2023

What surprised me the most was when they (Dr V) said Tech isn’t all about coding.
— Female high school student, Girls in TECH day, May 2023

Vanessa’s a Superstar of STEM

Vanessa joined the 2021-2022 cohort of 60 women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from around Australia to be listed as an official Superstar of STEM by Science and Technology Australia.

Contact Vanessa for expert wildlife comment or to speak at your next event!

Click on the Contact Dr. V page on this website.

Antarctic Science Foundation Ambassador

Dr Pirotta is a proud ambassador for the Antarctic Science Foundation, which is advancing our understanding and protection of the Antarctic through science. Click the photo to learn more.

Watch Vanessa’s TEDx talk about the ocean:

AI for detecting illegal wildlife trafficking

Vanessa is the chief scientist on a collaborative wildlife trafficking study with Rapiscan Systems, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and Taronga Conservation Society Australia. Vanessa spoke with ABC Catalyst about…

Vanessa is the chief scientist on a collaborative wildlife trafficking study with Rapiscan Systems, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and Taronga Conservation Society Australia. Vanessa spoke with ABC Catalyst about this work.

Students had no idea about the animal trade and what we are doing to try and stop it – they LOVED seeing what you do
— Paula Nolan, Commbank

Terri Irwin and Vanessa chat with Leah

Vanessa surprised Leah (11) with Terri Irwin for one of her mentoring sessions! Here’s a sneak peak:

Do whales fart and sneeze?

Dr Vanessa Pirotta wrote a fun piece for The Conversation Curious Kids section.

Dr Vanessa Pirotta wrote a fun piece for The Conversation Curious Kids section.

Have you seen the world’s biggest animal?

Dr Vanessa’s research documents 18 years of blue whale sightings off Australia.

Dr Vanessa’s research documents 18 years of blue whale sightings off Australia.

Whale vs Croc

Vanessa’s article in The Conversation was the most read article that week!

Vanessa’s article in The Conversation was the most read article that week!

Vanessa is a passionate science communicator.

We need more women scientists to put their stories out there so girls can see what they can be when they grow up, and boys can see girls in these jobs, too.
— Nicole Small, president of the Lyda Hill Foundation, Nature Article

National Science Week

A whale of a tale from the CSIRO’s RV Investigator

Click the image to read the blog.


School outreach.

Vanessa spoke to school students about her research. Students loved the opportunity to hold the whale snot drone.

School science communication.

Vanessa spoke with 500 school students from Canberra Girls Grammar School.

Vanessa’s research voyage to the Coral Sea

Marine scientist in the Coral Sea.

Vanessa sailed from New Caledonia into the Coral Sea on a remote research expedition.

Science Communication for the Australian Museum

Watch as Vanessa makes whale sounds to describe the difference between toothed and toothless whales.


Follow Vanessa

Vanessa via Instagram

The important stuff.

Drone information: 

All drone footage collected under NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services scientific licence 101743. Animal ethics obtained via Macquarie University. Licensed Civil Aviation Safety Authority drone pilots used.  

A BIG thank you to the following:

Whale snot drone collection thanks to Heliguy Scientific. Southern right whale drone footage thanks to SkyCam Media. Underwater whale footage thanks to Emerald Films and SeaLight Pictures. Thank you Joanne Stephan for the Macquarie University lab video. Thank you SkyCam Media and Australian Aerial Imagery for their assistance filming the BBC Presenter Search video. 

Website development- thank you to Cath from the wonderful Catfish Creative!

Underwater free diving shoot: Dean Cropp and Jono Allen- thank you!

Eye protection in the field provided by Maui Jim- thank you!!!