Science communication
...also known as "scicomm"
Vanessa always appreciated teachers and university lecturers who took the time to tell a story or broke down hard concepts into smaller parts......
Can you recall a time when someone was trying to explain something to you and you didn’t understand? And then someone else explained it in a completely different way and it clicked? Well, this is why Vanessa loves science communication because explaining hard concepts shouldn’t always be difficult but rather told in a way that you can relate too. Teachers and lecturers that are memorable to Vanessa are those who just did that! Vanessa wants to try and do the same through her science communication.
The Breach.
One of Vanessa’s most fun science communication examples is the web series called The Breach:
Whale-come to The Breach, where every day is a hump day. This is your one-stop shop for all things whale watching in the great state of NSW, Australia, brought to you by our hosts Dr. Vanessa Pirotta (Whale expert) and Mansoor Noor (Cetacean enthusiast) Whale watching is the hottest new spectator sport in 'New South Whales'.
The Breach Episode 2 - Facts and Stats Whale-come to The Breach, where every day is a hump day. This is your one-stop shop for all things whale watching in the great state of NSW, Australia, brought to you by our hosts Dr. Vanessa Pirotta and Mansoor Noor.
Project Planet, ABC ME.
FameLab is a wonderful science communication competition where competitors have just three minutes to explain their research. Competitors are only allowed props and are judged on the three C's: content, clarity and charisma.
FameLab 2018 Australian National Winner
Vanessa won the 2018 Australian FameLab National final in Perth, Western Australia. This was a great experience, which allowed Vanessa to discuss her PhD research via a fun and educational platform. As the Australian winner, Vanessa was flown over to the United Kingdom to represent Australia in the international finals.
FameLab 2018 International runner up
Vanessa presented her drone research at the annual Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK, home of the international FameLab finals. There were speakers from nearly 30 countries. Vanessa was successful in the semi finals and progressed into the final where she won international runner up.
Watch Vanessa’s 2018 FameLab International final talk here:
Watch Vanessa’s FameLab International interview:
Photos from the national and international finals:
Winner of the Australian National FameLab final, Perth, Western Australia.
International runner up at FameLab, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.
Not just whales.
Although Vanessa’s research is primarily marine based, many of the skills Vanessa has acquired during her studies are transferable. In fact, Vanessa used to work in a zoo where she learnt all about some of the most threatened animals on earth.